Purchase: You can purchase a ShowTix4U POS Terminal here.
Requirements for POS Terminal Usage:
- You will need a device (computer, laptop, tablet, phone) to access your ShowTix4U box office account to use in tandem with the POS terminal.
- Your device's browser must be up to date. (FireFox, Edge, Chrome, Safari)
- The POS terminal and the device accessing your box office portal must be on the same network. The POS Terminal will connect to the internet via WIFI. Your computer or mobile device for which you are using ShowTix4U will be connected to the same WIFI or network. The two units communicate via the internet, not directly connected through cables or bluetooth.
Your WiFi network must be WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal and password protected.
There are 3 main steps to using the ShowTix4U POS Terminal.
- Registration: You'll register a specific POS Terminal hardware device to a specific ShowTix4U account (ie. Mainstage Productions).
- This is a one-time setup.
- A POS Terminal can only be registered to one ShowTix4U account at a time.
- While a POS Terminal can be used with multiple ShowTix4U accounts, it can only be used/registered to one account at a time.
- Connection: This will connect one of your specific REGISTERED POS Terminals to a user on your account for a specific logged in session. Example: You own 3 POS Terminals. User JohnDoe logs in and CONNECTS to one of your three POS Terminals. This process is repeated each time the user logs in. When the user logs out, their connection to that specific reader will expire.
- Processing: The actual processing of transactions using POS Terminal as the payment method.
In under 10 minutes, this detailed instruction video will have your POS Terminal set up and ready to accept payment!
After the video, there is an additional step by step POS Terminal setup guide!
Step 1: Registration - Step By Step
- Install battery by snapping off the back battery cover of the POS Terminal. Charge device using the provided power cable.
- You can also charge the device using the mini USB port (USB cable not provided).
- Power on unit by holding down power button on right side of unit until screen appears.
- When prompted, click “Connect to WIFI” button.
- Choose your network.
- This needs to be same network as the computer or mobile device using ShowTix4U.
- Enter your WIFI password.
- Hit the back button in the bottom left.
- If you need to change your WIFI selection, click “Change WIFI”. If an update if available, click the “Update” button.
- When update is complete, you will see a Stripe Splash Screen.
- On a computer or mobile device on the same network as the POS, login to your ShowTix4U account using a client level user.
- Click into Main Menu, choose Preferences, and POS Terminal.
- Click “Add a new device”
- On POS Terminal swipe left to right on the screen and click “Settings.”
- Enter your admin PIN which is on the ShowTix4U site on the POS Terminal screen you are on in the “Tips” area.
- Click on “Generate Pairing Code.”
- Enter dictionary words that appear on POS Terminal screen into “Registration Code” field on ShowTix4U website (including hyphens).
- Enter a Label Name. This will be the name of this specific POS Terminal.
- TIP: It is recommended that you also put this title on the actual POS with a Labelmaker. If you have multiple POS Terminals, this is how you will differentiate the two units in the Connection process below.
- Click Register on the ShowTix4U website.
- The website will show a “Registration Successful” and the POS Terminal will say “Registration Completed”
- The POS Terminal may install additional updates, and will then land on a ShowTix4U splash screen.
- The splash screen can be updated and branded for your organization. See below in this article for "Splash Screen Customization" information.
- You will now see all your “Registered” POS Terminals on the ShowTix4U site.
- You can unregister/remove a POS Terminal by clicking the “Remove Terminal” button.
Step 2: Connecting - Step by Step
Option 1 (connecting in real time): If you would like to connect when you run your first POS Terminal transaction for this logged in session, choose this method.
- Login to your ShowTix4U account
- Place tickets into your cart and click Checkout.
- In the “Payment Method” dropdown list, choose “POS Terminal.”
- The first time you choose this payment method for a logged in session, it will ask you which of your REGISTERED POS Terminals you would like to connect to. Choose the Terminal you will be using for this logged in session.
- If connection is successful, you will see a green bar above the “Payment Method” dropdown list with the name of the POS Terminal for which you are connected. You will stay CONNECTED to this POS Terminal for this logged in session. Logging out will expire the connection.
Option 2 (Preset connection):
If you would like to preset the POS Terminal connection for your logged in session before you process any transactions, choose this method.
- Login to your ShowTix4U account.
- Click into main menu, choose Preferences, and POS Terminal.
- Click “Make default” next to the POS Terminal for which you wish to be CONNECTED. You will stay CONNECTED to this POS Terminal for this logged in session. Logging out will expire the connection.
Step 3: Processing - Step by Step
- Login to your ShowTix4U account
- Place tickets into your cart and click Checkout.
- In the “Payment Method” dropdown list, choose “POS Terminal.”
- If connection is successful, you will see a green bar above the “Payment Method” dropdown list with the name of the POS Terminal for which you are connected.
- Click “Customer Information”
- While you are completing the fields, you patron can predip their credit card to speed up the purchase process.
- Once you’ve selected or entered your customers information, click Check Out.
- The order will be processed and you will receive a confirmation screen.
Can I have multiple POS Terminal’s for my account?
Absolutely. Keep in mind only one POS Terminal can be connected to a user at a time. You will need at least one user per POS Device you own to run them simultaneously.
Can I use the POS Terminal with multiple ShowTix4U accounts/organizations?
This can be done, but not simultaneously. A POS Terminal can only be registered to one ShowTix4U account (ie: Mainstage Productions) at a time. You will want to unregister from the existing account and then register to the account you want to use the device on.
Can a single POS Terminal with multiple users?
A POS Terminal can only be CONNECTED to one user at a time. Multiple users can’t use the same POS Terminal at the same time. When you want to switch a POS Terminal from one user to another, the connected user should log out and other user login and choose to connect to the POS.
How do I charge the POS terminal?
Charge device using the provided power cable. You can also charge the device using the mini USB port (USB cable not provided).
Splash Screen Customization:
The image must be:
- JPG or PNG format
- Less than 2MB
- 720W X 1280H
- Email to client@showtix4u.com and be sure to include account name.
Connecting Troubleshooting:
This article provides assistance with troubleshooting DNS errors.
- Organizations on Daily, Weekly, Monthly Deposit: Using the ShowTix4U POS terminal, the ticket revenue will be deposited into your Settled Funds at the end of each night(same time as online orders) and later paid out based your Payout schedule.
- Any fees will be deducted prior to being deposited into your Settled Funds account.
- The Event Account Report (associated with each event) includes POS Terminal transactions in the Credit Card column.
- You can also view Balances here: Arts Organization > Balances
- Organizations on hard check deposit: Using the ShowTix4U POS terminal, the accounting process is the same as online purchases.
- Organizations on Daily, Weekly, Monthly Deposit: To refund a POS Terminal transaction, follow the same steps as an online order. Locate the transaction using Search and Refund the transaction. This may cause your event to be negative which will be offset by later sales or invoiced.
- The Event Account Report (associated with each event) includes Terminal POS transactions in the Credit Card column.
- You can also view Balances here: Arts Organization > Balances
- Organizations on hard check deposit: To refund a POS Terminal transaction, follow the same steps as an online order. Locate the transaction using Search and Refund. Using the ShowTix4U POS terminal, the accounting process is the same as online purchases. This may cause your event to be negative which will be offset by later sales or invoiced.
PCI Compliant
It is important you keep your POS Terminal and network secure.
The POS terminal utilizes end to end encryption to allow you to quickly process door sales safely and securely. By using the ShowTix4U POS terminal, you'll get the power of POS while ShowTix4U ensures PCI compliance.
How do I purchase a ShowTix4U POS Terminal?
Click here to order the ShowTix4U POS terminal.
If you have any questions regarding the ShowTix4U POS terminal, please share them to client@showtix4u.com or you can Schedule A Call.
Arts Organization > POS Terminal
Arts Organization > Electronic Payouts - Direct to your bank daily, weekly, or monthly (NEW!)
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