If you are not able to print to your Dymo from your ShowTix4U account, here are some possible reasons why your computer isn't recognizing your Dymo printer:
- Please make sure you're using Chrome or Safari.
- Your version of either Chrome or Safari may not be the most updated version.
- Your operating system may not be the most updated version.
- One of the steps in the Dymo installation wasn't completely finished.
We recommend going through the installation process again to get your computer to recognize the Dymo printer. Most issues will resolve once the correct software version for your OS is installed.
DYMO Label™ Software v8.7.3, Windows® - http://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Win/DLS8Setup.8.7.3.exe
DYMO Label™ v8.7.5 for Mac https://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Mac/DLS8Setup.8.7.5.dmg
Once you've successfully made the connection, we recommend never unplugging your Dymo printer in the future as this will cause the connection to be severed.
If you are able to print, but the print is Jumbled and/or poorly aligned/sized, here are some things to check:
Most importantly for a Dymo printer - you must make sure you used the recommended software and you must be using ShowTix4U ticket stock (available here).
1) Verify that the correct version of the Dymo software is installed.
DYMO Label™ Software v8.7.3, Windows® - http://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Win/DLS8Setup.8.7.3.exe
DYMO Label™ v8.7.5 for Mac https://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Mac/DLS8Setup.8.7.5.dmg
2) Remove the lid completely. Toggle it back, you won't break it.
3) Ticket stock is fed from behind the printer, face DOWN (MTI logo UP), ticket stub first, and it will feed through the front of the printer.
4) If you don't know if printer is grabbing the paper, you can press the button on the front and start the feed roller!
If when you print, you see jumbled texted or text printing on top other text, this means you either did not install the correct software or you are not using ShowTix4U ticket stock.
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