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Patron > How do I watch my event?



  • Myrna De Guzman

    I have been browsing on this site and there is no way I found how to purchase this ticket for the show. It telss you how to stream the show but not how to buy tickets to see the show.

  • Jocelyn Lapo

    This was no help in reaching my event. I would not recommend this to anyone. I am unable to find my event or pay for it

  • Judy Fenton

    What time zone are show times?    I am in California.

  • Dorothy H. Loebl

    I can't find Watch Stream to enter my access code on my computer. I'm totally frustrated and just want to watch the show after paying for it.

    Thanks for help, I hope!

  • Karen Blades

    I have purchased a ticket for live stream and there is no Watch Stream button on my confirmation email..hoping to get an answer before the event



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