If you're entering your access code and receiving this message: "Access not valid, invalid stream ID." -
there are a few things that could be causing this.
- Make sure you're using the correct access code. This is NOT your purchase transaction number (TXN). It is the 6 digit alphanumeric code that was emailed to you. It's located in the body of the email as well as in the PDF packet.
- You may be very early for your event. Confirm the date/time/time zone on your ticket. If you're more than an hour early, you'll need to come back closer to your event start time.
- You may have missed your event. Confirm the date/time/time zone on your ticket. If you have a set date/time on your ticket, that is the only date/time the access code will allow you to view your event.
- You may have an on demand event that you're early/late accessing. Check the arts organization box office for the date/time the video will be available. Please note that if you've already clicked the link and used the 48 hour viewing window, this access code will no longer work.
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